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Get your tickets and join us at the 2008 Burning Man event!!

(Photography credit: Ryan Jesena)

Meet the 2008 Pleasure Garden

This is the place to meet the people of the 2008 Pleasure Garden.

Well hello there! It is me Mayor Thunderhawk! I'm really looking forward to the burn and meeting all of my old friends and of course my new friends also, out there on the Playa!

A little about me... As was mentioned elsewhere, this will be my second year at Burning Man. I am not overly artistically talented but I can build stuff. An electrician by trade and dad of 2 by choice, I don't have a lot of time but I give up sleep to get things done. :) Please check out our Tribe at

You can message me on Tribe or at with any questions, concerns, comments or just to talk about life!